Forex Signal Software Review IvyBot
January 23, 2011 by: Formula Internet MarketingIvyBot Currently, this forex robot is by far the sleekest and most advanced looking piece of code on the marketplace, and it certainly does know how to get off on the right foot. Downloading, installing, and setting up the IvyBot proves to be a piece of cake, partly due to the simplicity of the system itself and partly due to the fact that there are videos readily available to guide you along every step of the way. Even the bonuses, which are made up of various indicators and scripts, have their own installation video. Once IvyBot is cranked up, its main advantage becomes readily apparent: In stark contrast to other forex robots, IvyBot is made up of not one, but four robots! Basically, there is a different and unique robot for each currency pairing, including EUR/JPY, EUR/USD, USD/CHF, and USD/JPY. By tailoring an individual robot to each of these currency markets, IvyBot represents the first robot to actually be able to specialize in multiple currencies. Also, any market changes are updated onto the robot automatically, which means that it is never going to become obsolete! Another huge plus in IvyBot’s favor is its almost complete automation and ease of usage. While you can definitely customize and tweak some of the settings, it really is all very beginner-friendly and it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch imagining someone totally new to forex being able to sit down and start trading very quickly. More advanced users will also undoubtedly enjoy the fact that you can tweak IvyBot’s settings to allow for scalping and more aggressive trading. Despite the rose-tinted outlook of IvyBot, it admittedly does have some disadvantages. Many experienced traders have pointed out the fact that the ability to trade in more currencies is not exactly something that is all good, seeing as it can expose traders to further risk than what they might want to take on. And although it does allow some flexibility for advanced users, it still can limit the scope of what you might wish to do. Beginners will hardly feel this though, as there really is very little reason to depart from the proven default strategies that IvyBot employs. At the time of this review, the IvyBot package is being sold for the remarkably low price of $149.95 – but that is only for the duration of the special launch offer. In time, it will be hiked back up to its retail $450, which can be a bit of a bite. Fortunately, you could make back that investment in a single day, especially if you decide that you wish to own what appears to be the single most effective robot to date.