Forex Software Review Fap Turbo
January 23, 2011 by: Formula Internet MarketingFAP Turbo
First impressions are often very important, and the FAP Turbo seems to gleam with all the right signs from the very beginning. Its download page is methodical, and will guide you step by step through what you need to do, while accompanied by instructional videos every step of the way!
Further exploration of the member’s area also reveals a lot more videos that deal with practically everything that you could possibly wish for, and a very comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions section.
To put it all quite simply: You’re certainly not going to be left wanting in terms of help and information.
Once the FAP Turbo itself is installed, you should be able to get it running in no time at all. By just following the aforementioned video guides, you’ll find that everything falls into place fairly easily.
Along the way, you’ll be able to choose between the two main trading strategies of the FAP Turbo, namely the Long-Term Strategy or the Scalper Strategy. If you’re familiar with forex, you’ll recognize the Scalper strategy as an excellent aggressive way to make short term profits, and it is one of the areas in which the FAP Turbo appears to excel.
In essence, the FAP Turbo is a truly comprehensive package that will allow you to profit from either short or long term trading strategies.
Time for the bad news though…
Disappointingly enough, the FAP Turbo simply does not compare well against the 4 specialized robots of the IvyBot, especially when you take into account the fact that both products are priced similarly at $149. So while it does allow you to trade any currency pairing that you desire, it doesn’t do so as effectively as the IvyBot.
Also, the FAP Turbo is locked into a single account to prevent piracy. If you are a fairly average user this isn’t too big a deal, seeing as you’re probably never going to need more than one account. And, if you do, there’s always an option to purchase additional account access codes.
Wrapping up the downsides of the FAP Turbo is the fact that brokers can spot people who are using it and may end up closing their accounts. To combat this, the FAP Turbo recommends certain brokers whom they have established relationships with, but if you are adamant on using some other broker, you could run into trouble.
End of the day, the FAP Turbo is a pretty attractive package. Truly accessible and with heaps of support to help ease even the newest of beginners into the forex market, it does stand out in its own right.
Anyone who appreciates having detailed explanations about what they should be doing will definitely appreciate the FAP Turbo.
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