61 Easy And Free Ways To Drive Massive Quality Traffic To Your Blog!
January 27, 2011 by: Formula Internet MarketingQuality targeted traffic to your blog or website is the most important part of any webmaster or the work of bloggers. In the absence of visits your site, although most looking site with tons of high-quality content will not earn any money. Earn money with your blog / site must have enough visitors. There are, of course, blog or website is born with thousands of visitors. To generate traffic to your site will be promoted. Drive more traffic to your blog, make more money.
There are several ways to attract high quality traffic to your site, including paid advertising, one of the most effective methods is high-quality traffic to your site, but not all are or will be money for paid advertising, especially for beginners like me. Fortunately, there are many free and easy-to high-quality traffic to your website. Here 61 free and easy ways on how you can generate high quality traffic to your blog or website.
Submit your site where you can!
1. Submit your blog to directories instead.
2. Submit your blog for search engines in the entire free list.
3. Your site to web sites without regard coolsiteoftheday.
4. shows any help social bookmarking sites OnlyWire.
5. Send your articles to article directories like Ezine, the base of the article and related content.
Web 2.0 and other resources to promote your site.
6. write articles in Wikipedia related to the URL of your blog in it.
7. hubpage your blog with some information about your blog.
8. make a wiki page for your blog.
9. a Squidoo lens or more with a link to your website.
10. 43things.com register and write things in your blog and get what you want. (Be surprised by the number of people, only the reading list for the others)
11. a myspace page for your blog.
12. Create a Facebook page for your blog.
13. hi5 create a page to your blog.
14. BlogCatalog join and do the same with MyBlogLog.
15. Use MyBlogLog to build community around your blog. Join the community with other people do the same for you.
16. Open an account with Technorati and with each new entry, the ping.
17. Message, such as video on YouTube with his blog address at the bottom of the screen or the end or the beginning of the video.
18. Use Yahoo Answers to answer questions about their place, so that a link in the resource box. (Believe it or not, 10% of my traffic comes from 20 minutes per week to answer questions on Yahoo Answers)
19. Create an account on StumbleUpon, stumble and anyone and everyone to write the article. (One of the best ways to generate visitors to your website for free)
20. Join as many forums as possible, especially forums that you are to your site
Enjoy free tools and plug-ins.
21. Right to a "digg" button said in your post to make it easy for your readers to Digg your post.
22. Use a plug-in comment to inform your readers know of any comments. Believe it or not, most people read more than the other comments about your post, other than your own message.
23. the use of social bookmarking plug-ins to make it easier for readers to send their message on the social bookmarking site
24. install "Tell a friend" plugin to make it easier for your readers know about your other message.
25. the use of "All in one SEO plugin for its blog search engine friendly.
26. Use talk to a plug-in board, a forum for readers to their blogs and discussion to create.
27. Use a free tool to find good keywords and classification using keywords instead.
28. Use sites like Vista Print for free business cards ($ 5 free shipping $ 250 in British Columbia) to your site and give it around.
29. make a favicon to be free just in your favorite player file found. (People want to know what they want quickly. Do I sometimes find myself on a particular article or page in my favorites folder, simply because they to 5 minuets, to want to spend going through the whole list. A favicon is like the large spotlight on hundreds hosted by other people!
30. get the free services of a press release to gain visibility.
31. Use Pingomatic ping RSS aggregators.
32. with open sources of advertising such as Craigslist and Back Pages notice your blog or articles in related categories.
Other bloggers can also help!
33. talk or if you have someone you trust can ask in their niche
34. Leaving comments on niche products with blogs or anywhere else. (No spam, please leave a real than you would have others do it for you)
35. make a banner for your blog and share interests with other bloggers.
36. Blogroll use to other bloggers out in your niche, in exchange for a link to your blog on your blogroll.
37. ask other bloggers on his blog comment, in exchange for a link to your site from your site.
38. contribute to a top bloggers in your niche focus. captures your attention and may be related
39. where appropriate, a link to the article by other bloggers in his post. to return the favor.
40. their best articles for publication in other nations as a guest writer (who won the new hearing and vision) Blog
41. another blogger posting on his blog as a guest (although it has some new readers, it brings the readers of your website)
Use your website as a tool to attract and retain visitors.
42. Offering gifts such as free ebooks, free downloads, and etc., to their readers.
43. during a competition, you participate at your site and encourage visitors to a contest, and give a prize to the winner, regardless of their size. that will contribute to its character as a trusted blogger, and when people see you as a person worthy of trust, will continue not only to you, but for other visitors.
44. With the most frequently asked questions related to your market niche for the title of the article.
45. Use keywords in the title of your post. Keywords in the title is one of the easiest and most important search engine optimization techniques.
46. A small place in your blog posts url to a complete list of those who link to your blog.
47. be kept clean and easy to navigate. (How many times have you left a website because they do not find what I want?)
48. Use a numbered list of information messages such as "5 ways ...". People tend to want this type of message.
49. Article shocking and surprising entice people to your website.
50. be on the lookout for new events and news related to your site, the first man, a new history to cross the most traffic.
51. Videos are becoming increasingly popular use in your blog in your favor.
52. Tag for later use, as to find her a popular way to you website.
53. Post frequently. Search engines like fresh content and readers.
54. if you have any blog or Web site, add a link to your website. (You can also create a blog, discuss your trip with your blog / website).
55. and respond to your readers to read comments. (If I feel that what I say too important for the writer, the more he came back for more, to encourage others to do the same)
56. Put your blog URL in your forum signatures.
57. use the name of the blog to your user name in the forums and leave comments on other blogs.
58. ask your friends and family to Digg and stumble your posts. a position with the most votes on Digg or stumble, it means more visibility.
59. Put your name and URL link on a sticker or something, and attach to your car. Large companies pay people their ads on your car, you do not have to pay for each, use your own vehicle and give stickers with your friends and acquaintances and ask them to hit the rear bumper.
60. Make flyers with your name and a brief description of the title out in a fascinating way to spend a lot or mall parking lots. If you know to be a good title, at least 60-70% of the visitors of your blog for curiosity, what and who are the fans! (Player).
61. and last but not least, to be patient and him some time. No one will of 20/30 visitors per day to hundreds and thousands of visitors during the night.
Some of the above methods to generate traffic can be carried out in less than 5 minutes, and some may take longer. But one thing is certain, if you put enough time and effort into these methods, you will see great results, and you are in the implementation of large quantities of high quality traffic to your site to be successful. Use this easy and free methods of traffic generation with a high-quality, combines fresh, and you are sure to see a large increase traffic to your blog or website.