Forex Software Review Auto Pilot System

January 23, 2011 by: Formula Internet Marketing

1. FOREX Auto Pilot System

When it comes to FOREX trading, one major disadvantage is that you're human.

You need to eat, you need to sleep. Unfortunately, the very thing which makes us human, emotions, can also cause us trouble when trading in the FOREX markets. Greed has been known to destroy quite a few trading accounts. In fact, that's exactly what happened to a man named Marcus Leary.
He was working as a FOREX Trader for a very wealthy song writer. Unfortunately, due to confidentiality clauses can't be mentioned by name. One day Marcus was trading with a technique known as intraday trading. It just means he was in and out in short time periods. 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour, etc...After 7 hours of trading he was up $19,000. Then astonishingly after 11 hours he was up $27,500!
He figured he'd keep pushing himself. He wanted to make the big score of $50,000 in under 24 hours. He invested it all into a trade that looked really good. Being human cost him all of his gains, he lost it all. His eyes became too heavy after 12 straight hours of trading and not taking a break to eat or drink. After he invested the money, he fell asleep. When he awoke, he was horrified to see that he missed the profitable exit point, and the trade was now in red and bottoming out!
Despite this cruel twist of fate, instead of discouraging him, it only encouraged him. He realized there has to be a better way. He contacted a programming friend and asked him to come up with a "robot" that will make smart trading decisions. It took his friend 3 months of labor intensive programming, but he succeeded. Anxious to put this trading robot to the test, they invested $500 and let the robot go to work. Within one week of allowing the trading robot to run they were up to over $3,089!
Marcus decided to call this invention the: "FOREX Auto Pilot System." This little trading robot can make profitable trades 24 hours a day. It doesn't need rest, it doesn't need food or drink. Most important, it trades on strict facts and figures not emotions! Marcus will be the first one to tell you that if you're looking for instant mega-riches by using this product, you need to look somewhere else. This tool has allowed many of his clients to earn a comfortable consistent, daily income. Many have been able to earn a six figure income every year. A few have been able to become millionaires over some time, not over-night.
Here's a good example of someone who wrote Marcus and got positive results:
“I Increased My Investment by Over 140% in Just 3 Days”
“What can I say? After investing just $200 into the FOREX Market your auto-pilot software netted me a clear profit of $489.75 in the first 72 Hours! I couldn’t believe how user-friendly it was. Within a month of using the system I only had to work part-time, allowing me to spend more time with my daughter Lauren. Thanks Marcus you’re a real life saver.”
As you can see, going from $200 to $489.75 over 3 days won't make you wealthy instantly. However, small, consistent gains do add up and the extra money probably sure would come in handy, wouldn't it?
Here's another great result a medical student had from using the Forex Auto Pilot System:
“I No Longer Worry About Having To Work My Way Through College”
“Being a full-time student, studying for a medical degree I have very little time to earn extra cash to help subsidize my tuition. That is, until I found FOREX Auto Pilot. Now I just check my Trading account before and after class and watch my investments continue to grow. I’ve yet to see a losing trade. I can’t begin to thank you enough for taking the pressure of debt off my shoulders. I can finally start to enjoy college life - just like the rich kids!”
These are good examples of the types of people who had positive results. There are many more such examples at the site, including quite a few video testimonials. It's a lot of work to record a video testimonial for someone. Unless they got genuinely astounding results, they probably wouldn't go through the time and trouble to do so.
Here are just a few of benefits of using the FOREX Auto Pilot System:
Automated FOREX Robots that analyze the market - giving you an ‘unfair advantage’ by placing the odds in your favor. After all, there’s no fun in gambling if you can’t win.
Remember ‘trend is your friend’ – FOREX Auto Pilot knows EXACTLY when to trade in order to maximize your profits.
If you don’t feel completely secure about ‘live’ trading, simply shape and sharpen your skills on our demo account.
FOREX Auto Pilot looks at the bigger picture and so helps clearly define the trend. Hidden trends are now a thing of the past!
State-of-the-art money management programming that allows the individual trader to turn a profit even under unfavorable conditions on the market.
The system never gets angry or greedy allowing trader investment to operate at 100% efficiency. There are more listed at the site.
There are quite a few people who have bought this system and were able to quit their day jobs and no longer have money worries. The cost to start down the path of becoming free of your job and ending your money worries will cost you $99.50 for the FOREX Auto Pilot System. There are also some fantastic bonuses that you get for your purchase price. You also get the following:
Bonus 1: Non Farm Payroll Robot Add on
This unique trading robot for MetaTrader4 was developed to automate the risky high profit trading on important economic news, like Non-Farm-Payroll.
Bonus 2: Ultra Trend Robot
Ultra-trend advisor is one of the best and most effective instruments of technical analysis. It detects trend, strength of the trend, finds support and resistance levels.
INCREDIBLE BONUS #3: Up to $500 off! Forex Autopilot in fact is so successful that we are giving each user a bonus of up to $500 (five hundred) Dollars!
We made a deal with a well known brokerage that credits each forexautopilot user up to 500 usd bonus on their deposit. While its not a bonus, its worthy of mentioning; you also get access to a phone number. You can contact the support staff of the FOREX Auto Pilot System any time you have any questions or problems. Not many people are willing to give this kind of support on a product like this.
The FOREX Auto Pilot System won't make you wealthy over-night. However, if you're looking for a way to make consistent, almost effortless profits, than this system may just be right for you.

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