Manual Directory Submission Tool
February 4, 2011 by: Formula Internet MarketingDid you know that 99.999999% of companies use some kind of SEO tools to create backlinks? even if they say that everything is done manually.
Yes, there are tools to guide large backlink building process using simple without reducing the quality (or 0.0000001%)These tools are not automation tools, it is necessary to understand.
Today I'll share a wonderful tool that helps in the process of sending instructions from the manual.
This tool can manually submit your site to directories 30-40 per hour. There are many good features, literally, want to increase the power of this tool. I have a list of features under-
* This tool comes with a list of 3000 + Directories divided each category into their respected as free, paid, niche, etc. You can create your own list of any number of directories.
[[Download a list of 6000+ web directories for free]]
* You can save up to 10 lists, and your website all at once.
* You can create unlimited profiles and offer unlimited websites.
* Auto select a category for your site if you provide details of the profile.
* Remember to fill out the form while submitting your Web site, this tool all the details are automatically filled when the page loads.
* Tri-Alpha List from A to Z, and Za, the classification of public relations for the phone list.
* Get a detailed presentation about the work.
* The ability to quickly find a directory on the floor.
* Add comments to any directory on the sender.
* A reciprocal manager script fully integrated with Directory Submitter. It's now easier than ever to submit lists of reciprocity. Just click click of a button.
* Miss auto-save, so you never get your short story.
* Automatic update notification when a new version of Directory Submitter on or when an update notification and address of the phone.
* A correction database and update the guide integrates public relations of the consignor.
* You can now export / import your own database of personal phone book.
* You can now manually select a directory in the directory tree on the pass / fail.
I have tried, on the main features here and there to talk some more.
This software is easily worth $ 197 and is much better than many other tools available online for $ 197 or more.
I managed to get this software for only $ 47 get with Master Resell Rights!
I want this powerful tool available so that you can get it for only $ 7. This price is nothing of this tool compared to the properties. I do not want to miss this powerful tool, just because you do not have enough money to buy it. So I give this software for only $ 7.
More information about this tool, you also have the resale rights. You have the power of this tool at your own price for sale or just to sell in a package that you or simply to give as a gift.
Here's a huge list of web directories to submit your site. Despite Directory Submission SEO is an old method still works better to get a good ranking in search engines and get free traffic.
To download all these directories to semi-automatic submission tool guide and submit your site to these directories is the best tool on the web. Can not be better ...
Semi Automatic Directory Submission Tool