How to Rank High on Google
February 2, 2011 by: Formula Internet MarketingA question that asks every new webmaster sooner or later, what is the top positions on Google. The answers that I connected very often with good content, link building and good SEO see very important, but if you are not a member of a black hat SEO forum are probably known strategy that can be assigned to miss page 1 on Google for the night. No, this is no joke, it's a very simple strategy that works well for keywords and senior takes less than 60 minutes of work for these keywords, less hierarchical and maybe a day or two words to rank all depends on how much you . insert
What you need for this strategy are two Yahoo accounts. What we do is press the Yahoo Answers and according to our links. It helps you in the light of level 2 on Yahoo Answers, but if they are very easy to get, just 250 points can be collected within a few hours. So for this example I am assuming that you have a Level 2 account from Yahoo Answers.
Let's start.
1. You must first two accounts from Yahoo Answers, ask the questions (Question-account) and other (stage 2 of the answers) in order to answer questions.
2. Now to your first invoice from Yahoo Answers, which makes the question and go ask 10 simple questions. Why do 10 questions? Read on to find out. Make sure that your legitimate questions, based on their place and are not look like spam.
An example of the good question
"I am a teenager and in the last two years I have struggled with acne. I tried everything, all products from CVS and other pharmacies, but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have a solution that works for them?
3. Make a list of about 10 keywords that you about your site.
For example, if your main keyword keyword list, how to get rid of acne "will look like this:
1. How does one get rid of acne
2. How to get rid of acne fast again
3. how to get rid of acne in 3 days
4. How does one get rid of acne scars
5. How does one get rid of acne marks
6. How does one get rid of acne cysts
7. How does one get rid of acne naturally get
8. how to get rid of acne overnight
9. How does one get rid of acne
10. How does one get rid of acne advice
4. With their own response (Tier 2) now respond to their questions. Also make sure your answers are legitimate and not look like spam.
An example of a correct answer would be something like;
"Hello. I had the same problem long ago and I know what it is. Happen then met by chance with me" of your website. This website offers a great solution to your problem. Well, I mean I have acne forever. There are no scars at all. A big thank you to this point. "
5. Do this for each keyword, but make sure that every reaction is unique. Enter your link on this page for him and all that.
6. Why Yahoo Answers is good because it is a person who asks a question of choosing the best answer and to find answers that are best captured by Google and are given the importance of good in the classification system. So what will you do now is wait for a few hours, then return to your yahoo account with the same account that would be his own best answers.
This makes a number of things.
* Help Google notice your link and give a good rating
* Promote your reply at the top is just below the question, therefore, provides Web site traffic
* Level 2 is awarded 25 points for the best answer and help you gain more respect in Yahoo Answers.
7. Save your answers to social bookmarking sites. The reason we want to do social bookmarking, because it really helps to improve the ranking on our list of Yahoo Answers. If your list that Yahoo has no intention # 1 on Google and Yahoo could always come back immediately with some strong backlinks to social bookmarking. Another advantage is that this trick our lists can stay on top of age.
There are many social bookmarking sites, the media, but in our case we have only those that provide backlinks dofollow. I will not elaborate on the dofollow and why just this kind of relationship that another long story.
So the most useful social bookmarking sites:
For now we focus on these 3 bookmarking sites to go with them to register if you have an account. Send your story at all three sites with the Yahoo answer to your question with an informative description. Remember, your most important keywords in the Description field (the Yahoo Answers) results and the history of search engines is as important when all are defined.
This concludes this little tutorial on how to rank high on Google. Use keywords is really up to you. I hope you learned something today and this strategy will achieve higher rankings and earn money to implement.