Autoblogsamurai Free Download

February 11, 2011 by: Formula Internet Marketing

Autoblog Samurai is software that "automatically" created and the content updated your blog every day - once your blog is set up, already! Samurai Autoblog SEO and optimizing your blog to the organic keyword traffic from all major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing get!

Autoblog Samurai is fully integrated with and generates profits of the most popular affiliate networks like Google Adsense, Amazon Associates, ClickBank and eBay Partner Network.

Sales Page:

Autoblog Samurai works for ...
1. Create a free hosting service. (Make sure that you have free access to PHP) * will be very important if you hosted a website on your own computer, so you do not need to be connected to the Internet each time you use Autoblog Samurai.

2. Create a directory called "SBA".

3. Open Notepad or any text editor such as gender and "truth" (without quotation marks) and save the file as tranlookup.php "(the quotation marks).

4. Top "tranlookup.php" to "ASB" to lead.

5. Now make sure when you see http://your.domain/path-to-asb/tranlookup.php "true" printed on it, and neither more nor less.

6. Edit your hosts file, add the following line at the end of this file:
Domain or

PS: The Hosts file should be removed:

Windows 95 - C: Windows
Windows 98 - C: \ Windows
Windows Millennium Edition - C: \ Windows
Windows 2000 - C: Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc
Windows XP - C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ drivers \ etc
Windows NT - C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ drivers \ etc
Windows Vista - C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ drivers \ etc

7. Now run Autoblog Samurai and just type any e-mail, and press the button to confirm or verify the address.

8. You should now be good! But now you must edit the Hosts file - just comment out the following steps:

Domain or
so that:
Domain or
WHY? Because that's how things work.

9.Repeat steps # 6 and # 8 (ie, modify and re-edited hosts file) for each use Autoblog Samurai.
Have fun! am

PS: On one side is local, "domain name or subdomain" usually ...

Oh by the way, you have your e-mail address to check each time you use blog car Samurai ... and hurry, use Autoblog Samurai many times as you want while * always * be used, because sooner or later, may file Paul Ponna validation more complicated!

Free Autoblog Samurai: link1 link2

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