The Ultimate Footer Popup Ad - Best Seller!

January 15, 2011 by: Formula Internet Marketing

Announcement of the conversion technology murderer for all owners of websites and blogs Boost ... This page has the power to change your fortune today ...

"Discover the addition of 1 minute on its Web site that converts more visitors to customers and buyers ... Guaranteed!"

If you are a member, you own it, Blogger, or list builder, do not miss a word of this important message ...

Dear site owner,

Are you satisfied with the conversion rate of your website?

I would bet money that they are not.

No one, if they are honest. Remember:

Higher sales mean more money ... And everyone wants more money, right?

More money to spend for himself and his family. More money for travel to exotic countries. More money, want to live your life ...

Whatever. We agree ... more money is a good thing.

After all, this is probably why most of us start an online business.

Thus, the freedom to be your own boss and work when and wherever we want.

It is the dream of business law online?

Well, the news for you ...
If you do not solve their pages may convert ... Your company is probably already decreased

The world economy is facing a massive recession. If you thought you could on low-converting sites to trust your life, you're wrong ...

Sorry if I offended ... but true. If you make money online is difficult to do now much more difficult ...

And it's not even the scary part ...

The worst thing is to think how it will be difficult to find a job, while the world into this mess ...

Listen, it would be pretty embarrassing to have to give your business instant messaging, because their low conversion rate is not enough money. Can you imagine how much more is it embarrassing when you leave your company, then struggling to find a job?

Of course, if you hear all the "gurus" will tell you that it is easy to sell your products or services online

After all, if not sold like crazy from day 1, you can easily testing division and send the picture of the benefits ...

And true in some sense.

You can make great leaps in the test with the division. But if you wrote an expert with your own software (further details in a moment), split testing can take months ...

Month follow-up, noting for months and months of experience in different variations ...

It's funny how the gurus do not mention that?
It is a big reason why their ads are not converting ...

But it gets worse ... Problems of distribution of the tests are a walk in the park compared to what is to discover ...

You see, there is a sufficient basis for the huge advertising pages and conversion ...

And that is something that everyone has for more than 5 minutes online in your life impact ...
The real reason for their poor implementation and super low click-through rate:

It's called ad blindness, and all the people in the civilized world at his disposal.

You'll see exactly how it affects the blindness of the ads on your site in a moment, but first check explains how:

"The blindness of the display is a term used to describe the state of ignorance, consciously or unconsciously by advertising placed on a Web site for visitors ..."

To put it bluntly, the years of watching TV, reading magazines and surfing the Internet, have been trained visitors to ignore the ads ...

It is a fact.

Scientists (also referred to as banner blindness), the existence of ad-blindness proved beyond reasonable doubt - that is, your web visitors are so used to advertising that are ignored most often ignore the ads and banners - even now, as you Read this .. .

Ad blindness in independent studies, the subjects were asked to search the web pages of certain words. And in most cases not completely ...


Even though the text was written in large letters on the banner ads and pop-footer on the page, were they are so used to ads that are completely the text they studied are lost skip.

... While it was right in front of your nose!

Interesting is not it? Imagine what impact on the site now - even if you read this site visitors do not take into account your ads and missed calls, to take action.

And each costs money ...
Ad blindness affects your website conversions?

It may sound crazy, but I'll bet my next order to check that ad blindness is also ...

Have you ever noticed that if you are in a magazine or paper that you just skip the advertisements, without thinking about it flip?

What happened while watching TV .... Surf the channel as more and more ads?

Sound familiar?

The ad-blindness, and all we have ...
Would that explain why their sites have this low conversion rate?

Her face may appear impressive banners, but it is hard to get "click" if the visitor does not even notice!

Let me tell you, was this revelation about the ad-blindness as a shock to me.

But probably explains why so many were just of my banner ads and does not work. It was then decided that Internet marketers to find a way to have this fight ...

We had a new form of advertising to find the site ... if one day I was sitting at my computer and visited hundreds of websites. I wanted to see what was what caught my attention ... the pages that actually had the power to cut through my own ad blindness ...

And then it hit me like a flash ...

I realized that we needed a development of Internet advertising.

I realized that the Internet would be perfect eye-catching anything, the bright face of a banner with the movement to the attention of pop combined lure ...

But no sad or angry ...


Finally, Pius popup
The increase in clicks and conversions in 2 minutes flat ...

Ultimate Foot PopupAds is the perfect solution for site owner / blogger.

It allows you to create effective ads hyper at the click of a button - real easy to cut through the blindness of the ads on your site or blog visitors.

Click the play button below to see now how fast and easy it is over use of footnotes is ad pop-ups:

Here are just a few of the benefits of using footnotes latest ads Pop-ups:

* View blindness Overcome your visitors and their attention, without resorting to pop-ups, popunders hover ads or other annoying spam techniques.
* Turbo-Charge of the click rate - more traffic to your sales page, squeezepages and offers an affiliate ... Hurry!
* Significant increase in profitability - without increasing traffic.
* More Twitter Followers and RSS subscribers. - Set up a final score of pop-up ads on your blog, and see the subscription price!
* Surprise your guests included 72 professional-quality graphics templates as a special bonus with the UFA. - You are so good on its visitors to designers and programmers have customized payroll ... even if you just a bedroom operation with a man
* We need more subscribers by e-mail - build your list quickly and easily without the readers of your blog regularly disturbed float or pop-ups.
* Get more of your visitors take the desired action - it is easy with these high-impact, but unobtrusive ads foot pop-ups.
* Incremental improve your conversion rate - more ads break test against each other without any special programming skills. Simply copy the provided code snippet available ... It's that simple. To say the FAU that ad is always better.

This is what Internet marketing in the United Kingdom Lee McIntyre about Ultimate footer ad had to say Pop-ups:
Here Detail..

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